Monday, May 8, 2023

Tiger Woods $30M Lawsuit

A $30-million legal battle between Tiger Woods and his ex-girlfriend has escalated, with Erica Herman accusing the golf superstar of beginning their sexual relationship when she was his employee and threatening to fire her if she didn't sign a nondisclosure agreement she now wants voided.

Herman, in court documents filed late Friday, also accused Woods of having his lawyer break up with her at an airport in October after falsely telling her they were going on a weekend trip. The lawyer then evicted her from Woods' $54 million mansion north of Palm Beach. 

The documents were filed in advance of a scheduled Tuesday hearing where Woods' attorneys are expected to ask Circuit Judge Elizabeth Metzger to halt Herman's lawsuit against their billionaire client. They say the former couple's nondisclosure agreement requires all disputes be settled privately by an arbitrator, not in court.